As a member of the LGBTQAI+ community, I feel a sense of responsibility to provide information that makes travel safer and more accessible to us. The LGBTQAI+ community faces an even bigger challenge as LGBTQAI+ acceptance, laws and protections vary widely around the globe. Although most members of the community aren’t necessarily looking to travel specifically to LGBTQAI+ hotspots (some are and I will get to that later), most of us are looking to travel to AT LEAST LGBTQAI+ friendly destinations. Not only is this for safety reasons but also about feeling included. I want you to know that at The Wander and Travel, we will ALWAYS make this a priority when servicing you and booking/planning your travels.

I am going to share with you *almost* everything you need to know about LGBTQAI+ travel.

Before you travel

#1 Documents

Every traveler needs to have all of their documents updated and in order. Especially those in the LGBTQAI+ community, you must have everything updated in order to have the smoothest time traveling. Some travelers forget to change their passport when a name or photo no longer correspond to them. Most importantly, changing your gender when it no longer corresponds to you. As of April 11, 2022, you can now mark “X” (gender neutral) as a gender marker. This is a great option for non-bianary travelers. However, this doesn’t guarantee your entry to every single country. Make sure to research the entry requirements for your destination.

#2 Safety

Doesn’t matter who I am booking, I will ALWAYS take safety and make it my highest priority. As a travel agent, I have taken the time to do my extensive research when it comes to finding safe and inclusive destinations for my LGBTQAI+ clients. With the help of IGLTA, International LGBTQ+ Travel Association, The Wander and Travel has become well versed when it comes to offering specific services to our LGBTQAI+ travelers to makes sure they feel welcomed and safe. There are some destinations in which anti-LGBTQAI+ laws are in place. By recognizing these destinations, you are able to avoid any type of negative experience when it comes to traveling. I always tell my clients to keep in mind that although the country may be open to the LGBTQAI+ community, there are still people who may be anti. Always be aware and assess the situation and environment you are in. Beware of entrapment campaigns in which the law enforcement monitors mobile apps, websites, and meeting spots. In addition, be careful meeting strangers as in some places they befriend travelers from the community just in order to extort or incriminate them. If you ever find yourself in a risky situation, don’t hesitate to call the destination’s U.S Embassy. IGLTA has a map on their website with all specific information for your destination in regards of sexual orientation laws. For more travel safety tips, click here.

#3 Transgender Travelers

It is particularly difficult for transgender travelers. We are aware of the amount of violence in this world against transgender people. Please be extra wary of your destinations laws and safety. It would be very helpful for you to look at the transgender violence news in the destination as well as their statistics.

When going through TSA, please be aware of your rights as a traveler and, for most, as a person. Do not be scared to ask for a TSA officer that you would be most comfortable with. You can always ask for a private screening as well. If you are feeling unsure or uncomfortable with the situation, please speak up. There are allies and resources there to help you. For more information in the TSA’s stance with transgender travelers, please click here.

Specific Destinations

#1 LGBTQAI+ Travel Hotspots

As I mentioned in the beginning, some travelers are looking for more than just safe destinations, they are looking for specific welcoming hotspots for the LGBTQAI+ community. By searching for these hotspots you are more likely to see other members of community which provide another sense of safety and inclusivity.

Some of these hotspots are:

  • Miami, Florida

  • New York, New York

  • Canada

  • Portland, Oregon

  • Seattle, Washington

  • New Zealand

  • Hawaii

  • Australia

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Washington D.C

For all types of destinations, not just hotspots, visit the map above to see which destinations are most welcoming and inclusive overall.

#2 LGBTQAI+ Inclusive and Welcoming Travel Partners

On top of finding inclusive destinations, the next part would be finding inclusive accommodations and partners. By finding welcoming partners, you are more likely to surround yourself with other members of the community and in general just a more positive vibe for you and your family. In addition, this is a great way to still feel immersed in the LGBTQAI+ community if you are not traveling to a hotspot.

Some of these partners are:

  • AirBnB

  • MGM Resorts

  • Carnival

  • Hyatt

  • Royal Caribbean

  • American Express Travel

  • Delta Airlines

  • Disney

  • Hilton

  • Marriot

Finding these partners in these non-hotspot destinations will open so many doors for you. For example, if you are a family with kids and want to avoid the crowd, knowing these partners are LGBTQAI+ friendly, you can travel to a family-friendly destination while still surrounding yourself with inclusivity. If you are traveling to a non-hotspot destination, simply find these partners in those destinations and rest assured you will be welcomed. And always remember, we are here as an agency to also help you with the research, booking, and planning if by any chance you are having trouble finding specific LGBTQAI+ friendly accommodations in your destination.

If there are any specific destinations in which you would like to know where to stay and what to do as part of the LGBTQAI+ community, please comment below or contact us and we will be able to give you recommendations. In addition, if you would like us to plan and book your trip, we will ensure you receive all LGBTQAI+ inclusive accommodations. Whether you are a solo, couple, family, group, or anything in between, you will be welcomed and traveling with pride.

For more information regarding LGBTQAI+ travel, please visit the IGLTA website.

Valerie Mendez

CEO & Owner of The Wander and Travel. Lover of all things travel, halloween, and espresso.

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