I refuse to travel without these.

I consider myself a “go with the flow” type of traveler but I also love my routine. I love having a plan and having things I know never fail me. For a fact, there are others who are like me when they travel and that is why I even decided to create itineraries. However, I have to share with you guys all of the things I have to have on me when I travel if not I feel out of balance.

  1. Headphones

    I honestly do not trust people who travel without any type of headphones. I mean imagine being on the plane and all you have to entertain yourself with is the loud aircraft noise and people snoring or talking. Or worse… complete silence. I have at least 5 pairs of headphones on me when I travel. I scatter them all around my carry-on, purse, checked bag, just to make sure I never leave them behind.

  2. Hoodie

    Everyone has their favorite airport attire but I actually have an assigned airport hoodie. It is the hoodie that I take on every single trip. Not too hot, not too cold, and comfortable for any circumstance. And when I’m ready for that amazing plane nap, that hoodie is there to save me.

  3. My personal item bag (hear me out)

    My personal bag is the size of a carry-on bag! I mean I can’t promise you that you will let in smoothly on every single flight but you will get on. Having a personal item that’s the size of a carry-on is a game changer. I can fit so much more and have everything on me at all times. Since it is a bigger size, some airlines might get picky as to whether they count it as a personal item or an extra carry-on. However, the one I have has straps on the sides that can shrink the bag by a couple of inches instantly. Obviously that all depends on how you pack the bag. I’ll link the bag here.

  4. Lip Balm

    I promise you… you will not catch me without a lip balm on me especially when I’m traveling. There is nothing worse than that dry airplane air drying out your lips and all you can do is lick your lips because you don’t have a lip balm. Then you have to scramble through the airport or your destination for a place to buy a lip balm. Just know that will never be me and I hope it will never be you again.

  5. My crossbody bag

    I touched base on my Travel Safety blog about the importance of a crossbody bag but I just have to mention it again because I simply cannot travel without it. Not only is it useful at the destination but its extremely safe when traveling. This is something a recommend to everyone I know that has traveled or will travel.

  6. My toiletries bag

    Everyone travels with toiletries or at least I hope they do. But I just have to brad about my bag. It is so slim and useful, everyone needs it. I can pack my shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, deodorant, moisturizer, soap, toothpaste, and any other needs such as ponytails, q-tips, and cotton rounds. Not only is it the perfect size but it is inexpensive. I leave the link here.

  7. Foldable water bottle

    Yes there is such thing and its amazing. Airport water is so expensive. Having something so practical that saves up space is perfect for all of my travels. Here’s the link for mine.

  8. Packable backpack

    I’m a pro at overpacking and leaving ZERO space for anything I buy at the destination. A packable backpack solves all of my problems and gives me the option of using it as a carry-on and check the luggage I initially brought as a carry-on. In addition, I am able to use it at the destination when I need to carry bigger items such as a change of clothes or camera equipment.

  9. Swimsuit

    If there is something to be known about me is that it doesn’t matter if I’m going to Antartica, I will at least bring 1 swimsuit. You simply just never know what’s going to happen and I’ve been in way too many situations in which I wished I had one or had to purchase one in a rush. So know that I will always have at least one in my suitcase.

Valerie Mendez

CEO & Owner of The Wander and Travel. Lover of all things travel, halloween, and espresso.


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