What do I consider luxury?

I’ve realized I have been throwing the word “luxury” around since launching my rebrand but have yet talked about what I personally consider luxury. Please do not forget that important part, this is simply my personal perspective on luxury. My goal here is to be as transparent as possible so you, my client and/or reader, understands that all of my opinions, reviews, itineraries, and services will have these standards in mind. So here is what I consider luxury.

  1. Exceptional Customer Service

    If you read my “I’m not going to tell you where we stayed..” blog, then you might have an idea where this is going. For those who don’t know, I worked in the customer service industry for 6 years before making travel my career. Our training at MAC Cosmetics was rigorous when it came to customer service. When I was going through those trainings, I can’t even tell you how many of us, including myself, just rolled our eyes. It felt so unnecessary. I am so thankful for that unnecessary and rigorous training.

    Customer service is such a vital part of most, if not all, industries. When you have an amazing interaction with a companies customer service, how high are the chances that you will come back? Pretty high. This is why all of the upscale hotels, resorts, airlines, restaurants, and other high end travel companies have such amazing customer service. It guarantees that you will come back and refer other people to them. But it also makes you feel seen and recognized. Sort of like a VIP. Being a VIP in it of itself is considered luxury.

    So, imagine getting the same customer service that you get at the Grand Hyatt, at a Holiday Inn. Considering both hotels could have similar amenities, one being half the price of the other, when on a budget, that Holiday Inn will come in clutch. There is nothing better than walking into a hotel and being treated like a VIP, no matter the price.

  2. Experiences

    This is where I get a little more opinionated about luxury. For someone with the privilege of having a lot money, experiences might not hold as much VALUE as someone who did not or does not have that privilege. Not everyone has the means or opportunity to go to a different country and sit on a beach for free. Not everyone has the means or opportunity to simply drive to the next big city to stay at $75 a night hotel and just walk around. But you might have the LUXURY of doing so.

    Let me break it down for you. You might be sitting at a not so clear water beach in downtown Cartagena, Colombia and think “Wow, if only I had the means or opportunity to take a boat out to the Rosario Islands and sit at a clear water beach. Wouldn’t that be luxurious?” Now, I am not saying that you should just be grateful and be quiet. But do acknowledge the fact that you have the luxury of going to a different country and experience that culture while many others don’t. Because that experience is valuable. Matter of fact, experiencing things holds so much value that I do, in fact, consider it luxury and priceless.

  3. Modernity

    Before writing about this standard, I have to repeat that this is simply my personal opinion. Okay, let’s keep it going. Having modern accommodations is simply my personal preference but needs to be mentioned due to the fact that this is a standard that my travel services are going to represent.

    Nothing is better than finding a great hotel at a fantastic price that is updated and modernized. It what makes upscale hotels, such as the Grand Hyatt and Four Seasons, so desirable (not the fantastic price part). This is why when I search for my accommodations, I make sure to see how updated and modern it is.

  4. Having Your Own Personal Travel Advisor

    Okay, I might be biased on this one but hear me out. While doing my research for my travel agency, I saw that all LUXURY BASED travel agents have an insane fees. It’s their job and the travel partners they have gives them the opportunity to price their fees in the $200+ range. Their clientele, once again, has the privilege of paying that price to have their own personal travel advisor. This is why I created my agency. I wanted to make that luxury accesible at an affordable price. This circles back to being treated as a VIP. Rest assured that having your own luxury travel advisor will make you feel like the ultimate VIP.

  5. The Finer Things In Life

    Finally, the obvious things that most people consider luxury. These may be things such as yachts, first class, spas, Uber Black, etc. I try my best to find all of these at an affordable price when booking my own travels. The same standards will be used when booking and recommending for your own travels.

Valerie Mendez

CEO & Owner of The Wander and Travel. Lover of all things travel, halloween, and espresso.


I refuse to travel without these.


I’m not telling you where we stayed…