EF Tours

Hold on to your passports students, this is going to be a good one. As a student myself, I know it can be extremely difficult to save up for a nice trip plus pay for your tuition. Or find time to travel when you’re in school and work. This is why I chose EF Tours for the perfect student travel company.

My first ever solo trip was at the age of 15 and it was absolutely extraordinary. I traveled across Spain and visited multiple cities there. I also was able to visit Morocco and it was absolutely breathtaking. I did this solo trip with EF Tours and even though I am no longer 15, I would travel with this company all over again. 

EF Tours is an educational tour company that caters to students that want to travel or anyone who simply want an educational perspective out of the trip. It gives you the opportunity to learn about the humanities of the destination and also experience it as a local. It also offers different type of tours that absolutely anyone can enjoy. The main reason I chose this company for students is due to the fact that you can pay this monthly! Yes, you can pay for your entire trip monthly and I’ll go more in depth about this under the “How Much” section of this blog. The way it works is simple and, if you break it down, reasonably priced. And if you’re not a student, don’t worry, EF Tours has the perfect tour for you as well. 

In this blog, I’ll be breaking down a couple of things that people would ask me when it came to travel with EF Tours. 

How Does it Work?

The trip itself is simple to attain if you know your way around the logistics of EF Tours. Here’s a couple of things you might want to know before booking your trip:

  • There are different types of EF Tours, therefor choose the correct one for you. Here are two of my favorite options they offer:

  1. EF Educational Tours: This one is great for all of my students that are still in high school but want to start traveling the world already. EF focuses a lot in safety therefor parents rarely have a problem sending their kids to travel with EF. This is the tour I chose for mine since I was still in high school and was only 15 years old. With EF Educational Tours your teacher needs to enroll 6 students to make this trip happen. This might be a more difficult thing to do since you might either need to wait on your teacher to do so or you might need to convince your very nice teacher to do so. They also give you an option to create a reflective paper on the trip if needed for your class. This tour is highly educational so keep that in mind when booking.

  2. EF Ultimate Break: AH! This tour is so cool! Okay, so Ultimate Break is for anyone that’s 18-29 years old and just wants to have fun and travel the world! This one is great for solo travelers since it is a group tour and you won’t have the fears of going solo. This is also great for a group of friends who want to travel together and just want to be able to pay for their trip over time! If you’re in college, I highly recommend this one since they do cater and offer a lot of destinations during the college breaks such as Spring Break and Christmas break. Keep reading as you will find more about these specific tours down below such as pricing, what’s included, and more. 

  • EVERYTHING is included on these tours! The overall payment of these tours include airfare, accommodation, activities, the actual tour, breakfast and dinner, and more. EF Tour will worry about everything to make a trip happen so you can just relax and enjoy the trip itself. When I did my personal trip, all I had to pay at the actual destination was lunch and souvenirs. Keep these things in mind when looking at prices and booking your trips. Every tour and every destination are different so read carefully when it comes to what’s included. However, all include airfare, accommodations, the tour, transportation, tour guide, and breakfast! This is such a great deal since most of these do not give you an option to pay separately if booked outside of EF Tours.

  • These are guided tours and I love it. You won’t have to worry about creating and itinerary because they already have one for you. Your tour guide will show you the must see’s of your destination plus local things you might not know of. 

  • These are group tours therefor be open to meeting new people. Through my trip, I met friends that I still keep in touch with. It makes the experience more fun and absolutely a trip to remember.

  • YOU. PAY. OVER. TIME! This is seriously the coolest thing EF Tours has to offer! The fact that you can budget each month to pay for this grand trip is absolutely amazing. You don’t have to prolong your trip due to the lack of funds! Instead, book it and pay it over time and you won’t miss this amazing opportunity. Make sure to check their payment plans to find the perfect one for you.

How Much Does it Cost?

With EF Tours offering different destinations, the price will always vary. They do offer tours for everyone and caters to everyone’s budget. Keep in mind everything that’s included as well as the fact that these trips can be paid monthly. Trips will range from $3,000-$8,000 depending on destination and length. The deals that EF Tours offers, the trips will range from $2,000-$6,500 depending on the destination and length also. Consider the payment plans and monthly they will start from $150-$200 depending on how far along you book them and the ultimate price of the trip. This can mean you can set aside $50 a week or so and be able to go to one of these incredible trips. 


EF Educational Tours

  • Venice, Florence, and Rome

  • Japan: Land of the Rising Sun

  • Peru: Land of the Inca

EF Ultimate Break

  • The Greek Islands

  • Ultimate Europe

  • Rome Paris & London

Check out their website to look at the itinerary for these destinations!

Valerie Mendez

CEO & Owner of The Wander and Travel. Lover of all things travel, halloween, and espresso.


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