Where did we go?

We are back you guys! I know we went on a long hiatus, so we are here to explain what we’ve been up to and why we were gone for a WHOLE year! But first we want to thank those people that kept asking about the blog and when we were going to post next. It’s been a year and a lot has happened since the last post we’ve done so let’s get started.

As you guys may have remembered, we are a couple that started a lowkey travel blog simply for us to share our tips and tricks when it comes to travel information and travel destinations. When we started, we were living in Texas and we had no plans for any drastic changes in the next couple of months. We had many blog ideas as well as destinations we wanted to start knocking out of our list. However, life has a way of taking unexpected turns.

Our first blog up was Seattle, Washington and for good reason. I, Val, have been dreaming of moving to this extraordinary city and gorgeous state for about 4 years. Since I first visited in 2015, I knew I wanted to have a life over here and I started making decisions in my life to support this dream. A lot happened during those 4 years until I made some realizations in certain aspects of my life and without me even knowing it pushed me extremely close to the dream I was chasing.

Comes beginning of 2019, Cristian and I started dating and everything in my life finally started coming together like a beautiful puzzle. As I mentioned though, we had zero intentions to make any drastic moves any time soon. The dream of mine of moving to Seattle, Washington always felt like that, just a dream.

While planning our final aspects of our Thailand trip, which there will be a blog up about that trip soon, a sudden opportunity arose for a job in Seattle. I applied for the job and in less than a month we were already packing to move across the country. We flew straight from Thailand to Seattle to sign on an apartment and move in the next week.

With all of that being said, the past year we have been adjusting to being across the country away from family and leaving a whole life behind in Texas. Cristian and I have been exploring Washington and enjoying everything that our lives have offered us lately. We are extremely anxious to get on a plane again and start traveling. However, as I mentioned, life has a way of taking unexpected turns.

Although we had a couple of trips booked and planned, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone these trips due to the current pandemic that our world is facing. We understand that during these times travel is heavily discouraged and we plan on following those advice from both the CDC and WHO. We encourage you to please do the same and post pone any future trips that you may have booked or planned. The faster we stay home, the faster we can catch a flight again! Thank you to all airport and airline employees, grocery store employees, health care workers, and all other essential employees that are working during these difficult and trying times.

With all of that being said, we thank you all for being so patient and this us saying we are back! Stay tuned for many blogs that we hope inspire you when planning and booking your future trip!

Safe Travels (soon)


Val and Cristian

Valerie Mendez

CEO & Owner of The Wander and Travel. Lover of all things travel, halloween, and espresso.


Quit Your Job to Solo Travel


Our Bucket List